Castle of Otranto image

Castle of Otranto image

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ode to Otranto

Devious deeds shall commence here

when the Great Falling Helmet shall appear:

Where Manfred's wrath shall boil over hot,

Isabella will flee to a safer spot,

and only young Theodore with his brave wit

can force Manfred his dominion to quit.

Dungeons and demons in Otranto abound,

and a heaving ghost sighs with a terrible sound,

giving all inhabitants the shudders,

while Manfred, unfazed, more angrily mutters.

His marriage plot is the real horror still—

but he will soon find he can't best Heaven's will!

Damsels in distress, in delight, and in duty

flutter 'round in their terror and pale blush of beauty.

Matilda and Theodore, two lovers star-crossed

will have their hour together before all is lost.

The fall of Otranto, the dark house and dark Prince,

will leave readers breathless, in terror to wince.

(c) 2012 Elizabeth Cole

1 comment:

  1. I love the creative opening poem and castle visuals. Combined, they create an innovative "hook" for those who read your work.
